Thursday, August 14, 2014

What is Boundary School?

Boundary going.  That's all I can say.  I wish I could tell you that "I've got this" and that "it's a breeze" but I'd be telling you a fib.  So far this week in Boundary School I've had to really look long and hard at a lot of things that make my heart hurt and even admit that I'm going to have to let some of those things/people go.  They are no longer healthy or helpful or uplifting and they do not make me the least little bit happy to be around or think about or any of the positive things that I am allowing into my life from this point on.  Sound a bit selfish?  Yep it is.  And I'm not apologizing.  God sent me two very large messages a year apart to refocus and refine things and I guess I'm a slow learner because after the 2nd one I finally got the message.  I don't dare not take action now, because I definitely don't want to have to receive a third message from the big guy!

That's not to say that I'm not feeling the heartbreak of letting things go that have been a part of my life for a long time.  I do feel it and it hurts.  Badly. There is a void where I used to have those things.  But instead of focusing on that, I'm choosing to focus on what I can now see (peeling that onion) because I've eliminated the junk.  Same way with some of the people in my life.  I'm having to go through and really look at why I let some people into my life and into my life so deeply.  Were they just a means to an end?  Are they a true friendship?  Can I count on them to have my back when the going gets tough?  Some of them, the answer is definitely, without a doubt, yes.  There are some, that sadly, they must go.  They have been voted off of this island.  There will not be a reunion show for this crew to appear on at the end of the season.  It sucks, it hurts, but it is good.

This is Boundary School.  Is it to say that I am sitting around thinking about this stuff constantly?  NOPE.  I am living my life.  Going to appointments, running my local errands that I can run on my own, keeping my home in order and working on some art therapy each day.  But as items pop up, instead of pushing them away or thinking, "I don't have time for that right now, I'll get to it later and deal with that hot mess after while" I'm stopping and reflecting and going down my new itemized list of questions that I'm asking of everything in my life, almost as if I am interviewing the item, and I'm dealing with it right then.  I'm not sweeping stuff under the rug and just hoping it will go away.  I'm no longer trudging along doing the same stuff because "that's the way I've always done it".  There's a reason that God gave me the talents He gave me and that He left me here on this earth not once, but TWICE when I could have so easily been called home either time.  It's my job to discover that reason and use those talents.  That's my new job. 

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